We provide reliable information on studying abroad, but it reflects our research. While we aim for accuracy, verify details from multiple sources and seek professional advice for the most accurate information. We empower readers with insights but advise caution in decision-making.

2 Responses

  1. Hii I am from India running a German Language academy and i receive queries for the Ausbildung program from my Students: How it works means elligibility, how much time it will take to be in Germany, where will i study and train under this program, how will i get selected in this program, how will i get interviews for this program, the post landing services i will get on reaching Germany, how can i book the accomodation before reaching Germany and many more. If you could help in these then we can collaborate and work together. I have good database for the students as i have been into Education industry for the last 21 years. If interest do reply….rgds Vineett

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